Colour Correctors

Kristen von Riesen - Pure Anada Makeup Artist

We had someone ask us about using our loose mineral colour correctors under the loose mineral foundation (or pressed mineral foundation). So let me give you a little information on colour correctors and a step by step tutorial!

First of all, as a disclaimer, I will note that generally colour correctors are a bit complicated to use on a day to day basis and are designed for serious correction or for use by trained makeup artists. Most people will find it easier to use a liquid or cream concealer along with their foundation. You can also use a liquid or cream concealer without foundation, whereas a corrector has to be used in conjunction with foundation. I have also found that in most cases, using the loose mineral foundation without a colour corrector underneath offers sufficient coverage.

One more note, I prefer using liquid or cream concealers around the eyes, as I find using a powder corrector can increase the look of wrinkles around the eye area. If you prefer to use a powder corrector, always start with a small amount so it doesn’t get too powdery and dry looking.

However, if you prefer a colour corrector, this is a blog on how to use it!

We have 4 colour correctors:
  • Mint (light green to correct redness, such as rosacea),
  • Saffron & Sunflower (light and medium yellow to correct blue or green, such as dark under eye circles. Also works to correct redness),
  • Lavender (light purple to correct sallow/yellow tones).

On this blog, I will demonstrate Mint and Saffron correctors. The rules for Sunflower are the same as Saffron, but that shade can be used with deeper skin tones. The use of Lavender is so rare, and application technique would be the same as Mint. I have often used Lavender as an eye shadow colour!

Mint is used to correct extreme redness, but in cases where the redness isn’t too extreme you can use Saffron or Sunflower. Because they are yellow, they would still cover redness but be more user-friendly than Mint as they are closer to your skin tone than Mint.

You can only use powder correctors under powder foundation. It won’t work to use a liquid foundation on top of powder correctors. The liquid foundation will just smear away the corrector. However, you can use a liquid concealer underneath a powder, as a powder will help set it and won’t smudge it away.

Now for application!

If you are wanting to simply cover a small pimple or the like, dab a small brush (like the flat shadow end of our Duo Eye Brush or the tip of the Contour Crease Brush) into the powder and apply on the blemish. To cover a small area, just apply the corrector directly on the blemish, and don’t blend the corrector much. See pictures below for demonstration.

Before any corrector or foundation

Dab brush into Saffron

Pat Saffron under the eyes
What it looks like with Saffron applied, before foundation
Apply foundation over Saffron in patting motions

Dab small brush into Mint Corrector

Pat Mint onto the small areas that need correction

What Mint looks like before applying foundation

If you are needing to cover more space, for example, to cover the redness of rosacea on the cheeks, take a larger brush like our Mini Kabuki or Flat Top Foundation Brush and apply the corrector onto the face. Dab or pat the corrector onto the affected area(s) of the face, instead of swirling the minerals onto the face - as that will just cause the corrector to blend right into the skin and not really offer coverage. See pictures below for demonstration.

Dip foundation or kabuki brush into Mint Corrector

Pat Mint Corrector on larger parts of the face

What Mint looks like before applying foundation

Now it is time to cover the corrector with foundation. You can use either loose or pressed minerals as foundation - our loose powder is our fullest coverage, and the pressed minerals would be just slightly less coverage. I want to demonstrate on one side of my face the effect that Mint colour corrector has with loose mineral foundation over top, and then on the other side of my face with only loose mineral foundation. It is good to see how well the loose mineral foundation covers on its own, so that you can potentially skip the step of correctors if you don’t need them!

Covering the corrector is the most important part, especially if you are using Mint. If you don’t fully cover it, you will end up looking sickly… So let’s avoid that! Usually when applying mineral powder foundation, one swirls it onto the skin with a flat kabuki style brush. When covering over colour correctors, you want to dab/pat the mineral foundation instead. On the rest of your face, where there is no corrector, feel free to swirl on the minerals. See pictures below for demonstration.

Dip foundation brush into foundation

Apply foundation by patting it over Mint corrector

Now pictured below is the difference between one side of my face being corrected with Mint corrector and loose mineral foundation over top. On the other side it is only loose mineral foundation used for coverage. Left side: Mint Corrector & Foundation. Right side: Only foundation.

I hope this makes the use of colour correctors a bit more clear for you! Have you ever tried using colour correctors before? Have fun experimenting, and show us how it works for you!

(link to the blog of the makeup look pictured here:
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