The Simplicity of Mother's Day

While conducting a brief online search the other day, I found that the first Mother’s Day was in the early 1900’s at a church in West Virginia.  This special church service had been the result of the efforts made by a woman named Anna Jarvis, who’s own mother had passed away a couple years prior.

Anna’s purpose for this service was to honor Mothers.  She wanted Mothers to be acknowledged and appreciated for all they do.  Nothing more.  No hidden scheme.  No money to be made.  Simply honor and appreciate the Mother you know and love.

I imagine if she would have given a speech, she would have addressed the sons and daughters, telling them to go write their Mom a sweet handwritten note, maybe make her a meal, and spend some intentional time with her that day.

She wrote letters to politicians and newspapers in the years following, rallying for Mother’s Day to become an official holiday.  A day on the calendar, at the very least, where we make an effort to tell our Moms how much they mean to us.

By 1912, her goal had been accomplished! A bill had been signed, and her holiday made it onto the calendar!  Unfortunately for Anna, she was very distraught to see that in only a few years time, Mother’s Day had become very commercialized and the sentiment now appeared to be buried in all the chocolates, flowers, and printed cards that were being advertised and sold.  It pained her to think that people had missed the point.

Also sadly for Anna, by the 1940’s, she became bitter and intent on removing Mother’s Day from the calendar. She spent the rest of her life disowning the holiday and fighting against its commercialization and against the organizations using Mother's Day for profit.

Now.  All that being said, and despite the somewhat sad ending for Anna Jarvis’s story - please go buy your Mom a gift if you want.  I think that’s a great idea. I love buying my Mom a gift for Mother’s Day because I personally find it to be a great way to bless her.

But let’s make sure it’s more than that.  We owe them much more than rushing around to buy gifts for the sake of buying them, and checking that task off a list. Mother's Day should be about caring and showing appreciation for the Mother you know and love, just as Anna Jarvis said.

I do want to acknowledge as well that everyone is on a different path in life, and maybe your Mom isn’t in your life anymore for whatever reason.  However, I want to encourage you to honour a mentor, someone you look up to, or a strong woman you admire!

Pure Anada employs some amazing women, and a lot of them are mothers and grandmothers themselves! My work life here at Pure Anada is definitely much better because of these strong and incredible women on the team and the qualities they bring to the table.

We asked a few mothers on our team (including Pure Anada's founder & formulator, Candace) what it's like being a Mom. I couldn't help but want to share all of the answers they provided! We have so much to learn from them, no matter where we're at.

A few of the common threads that I found in their answers were:

    - Be thankful for what you have, and appreciate the little things

    - Love the people around you, and remember that they're trying their best

    - Seek joy in all circumstances

There's so much more - but I'll let you read their answers for yourself.

We hope you enjoy reading through what these lovely women had to say!  At Pure Anada, our hope is that these same sentiments and values are felt through the simplicity of our product ingredients, the care we take in sourcing them, and through the elegant beauty of nature we include on the illustrations of our packaging.  

Though yes - we 'only' make natural cosmetics, skincare, and body care - the process in which it has been imagined and crafted is so much more than that.  We hope to exemplify thankfulness and inspire others to seek joy and peace, love the people in their lives well, and let the resulting hope seep from their moisturized faces to shine on everyone they meet.

So, the next time you reach for your Pure Anada face cleanser, mascara, or body wash - remember that it was made with love by these and more of our amazing Mom employees.  As you breathe in the lovely scent of Lemongrass or Lavender, or even just the fresh air outside, take time to enjoy the moment, and appreciate your Mom and all she's done for you.  

Remember that no matter who you are,  there is someone on your side - whether it's your Mom or mentor!  There's always something to be thankful for, and life is just so beautiful.

Now go enjoy celebrating those strong women in your life this weekend!


(Pure Anada founder & formulator) 

"Being a mom is surreal; to think I've been entrusted with the safe-keeping of other humans! The privilege of influencing my children for eternity...yes, that's surreal.   What surprised me most about motherhood, is how little control I actually have over my children’s personality, interests and behaviour.  When it comes to “nurture vs nature”, I assumed nurture was far more powerful.  Now that my children are older, I think it’s the opposite!  Or at least, I now see how powerful nature is as well.  It’s incredible to see how five children who grow up in the same home, are created so individual and unique.  I love it.    I know that having children has made me much less judgmental as a person.  I’m actually kind of afraid of what I’d be like if I didn’t have the opportunity for motherhood to humble me.  I’m pretty sure God gave me all the issues and situations that came along with being a mother, so I could look into other people’s situations with (at least an ounce) of understanding and kindness.   As a mom, I value simple every-day living.  When I first became a mom 20 years ago, I tried to follow the trend of doing all the extra-curricular activities I assumed were necessary.  It was draining and impossible.  It took a few years, but once I acknowledged that “home is where our hearts were”, I stepped out in bravery to NOT do all the things.  We’ve been much happier ever since!  I hope that my children all come to know the true source of peace in life; trusting in their Creator’s plan for them from beginning to end.  I wish for them not to be consumed with material things, but rather enjoy nature and life’s other simple pleasures.  I hope they gain confidence to be themselves, not trying to conform in order to be accepted by the crowd.  I dream that they will squeeze the most joy out of this life as humanly possible!"



(Candace's Mom, Pure Anada Manufacturing Employee)

"Life as a Mom is very busy with great responsibilities but very rewarding and fulfilling.  Becoming a Mom changes your life completely.  You do life through the eyes of a child.  Little things can bring so much happiness!  Your priorities change - you learn better time management - you are less selfish - you appreciate your own parents more.  It’s important to teach the children love and respect, be responsible and honest, and have a positive, thankful attitude.  I hope my kids have a strong faith in God, and have a successful happy life."


(Candace's Sister, Pure Anada Manufacturing Employee)

"It’s been over a year since I became a mom and I still feel like I’m dreaming. I often look at my daughter and can’t believe she’s mine 💖 It’s the best thing ever!

Most books and podcasts about parenting focus on how hard it is being a mother; which is true, but I guess I was mostly preparing myself for the challenges, so I was surprised that it’s also so fun and rewarding!  After having my daughter, I appreciate my mom even more because I have a glimpse of what she all did for me. I also have more respect for other parents now, because I’m starting to understand what it takes to raise a child. Patience, Patience, and Patience is important.  Also: Thankfulness, Joyfulness, and Kindness.  I hope and pray my daughter’s relationship with Jesus will be close, that she will be blessed with amazing friends, have a job that she enjoys, and do hobbies/activities that she loves."



(Pure Anada Manufacturing Employee)

"The first thing that comes to my mind with being a mom are all the  responsibilities, cares and joys, that God has entrusted me, with these sweet tiny little helpless miracles.  I am truly and gratefully blessed with each one of my silly loving munchkins! It’s not what I have done, but what Christ has accomplished!

To God be the glory! It’s like someone said...before we had children, we think we have all the answers.  After we have children, we  have all questions and no answers. I hope, with God’s help, to be a Christlike example and lead them to  a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  I find it very important to seek joy in all circumstances, great lasting friendships and be adventurous. 

I hope my kids are Encouragers and seek to do their best, and try not to be too hard on themselves. 

I hope they will be happily successful,  have fun in life and be reasonably competitive! 😁"


(Pure Anada Manufacturing Employee)

"The moment I became a mom, stands out to me as experiencing  a miracle…

I was very familiar with new born babies, but this baby was different; he was mine and he was perfectly formed!  I felt in awe of God, that he trusted me with ‘something’ so special and ‘something’ that belonged to him! A child is a baby for such a short time, and that time slips by so quickly. You feel like they will be in this state of needing constant care forever, but you look back and realize now they’re caring for you. I’ve been a mom for two thirds of my life, so looking back seems hard, because I hardly know of life as being anything different. Raising a family is definitely a lot of hard work, and many times I felt inadequate or I had feelings of not being a very good mom. There are many ‘careers’ in life, but I believe none supersede that of being a mom…it continues to pay dividends . I love how my kids and I stay connected…always looking forward to our next time together and sharing daily life events. I want for my children to love the Lord with all their heart and to love their neighbour as themselves."


(Pure Anada Storefront Employee)

"I’ve experienced so much joy in watching my children thrive and grow into the people God made them to be.  I’ve been surprised at how much I've learned about myself.  I have learned that to love is to live Grace. Joy, patience and grace ( mostly for myself) are very important in motherhood. I hope that my kids would experience joy in the everyday yet experience hope and anticipation for the bigger story of God that is today and tomorrow."

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